Liferay 6.1 GA2 Maven release

I’m glad to announce that we have release maven artifacts for Liferay 6.1 GA2 for both EE and CE. The CE version of portal artficats are in currently in Sonatype’s repository waiting to be synced to Central and EE artifacts are available for download in customer portal like before. We’ve also released the Liferay Maven Support project that is the plugins sdk equivalent for Maven.  Both CE and EE compatible versions are being synced to Central. Please remember that this is not supported through your portal support contract. If you find any bugs in the Maven plugin or archetypes please file them to the MAVEN Jira project. The CE GA2 version number is 6.1.1 and EE GA2 version number is 6.1.20. Remember to use a version corresponding to your running portal version as mixing versions might cause problems.

We’ve also added some new features and improvements.

New features

  • DBBuilder – build-db goal allows you to execute the DBBuilder to generate SQL files
  • SassToCSSBuilder – build-css goal precompiles SASS in your css and this goal has been added to theme archetype
  • JSF Portlet Archetype
  • ICEFaces Portlet Archetype
  • PrimeFaces Portlet Archetype
  • Liferay Faces Alloy Portlet Archetype


  • Allow setting service build number and turn off auto increment for ServiceBuilder.
  • Allow build-service and direct-deploy from the parent project for Service builder and Ext projects.


This post was originally published on Liferay blog.