I’m glad to announce that we have released Liferay maven artifacts to 6.1 GA1.
All the artifacts will be pushed into the central repository through http://oss.sonatype.org where they are already available.
This release includes following artifacts:
– portal-client
– portal-impl
– portal-service
– portal-web
– support-tomcat
– util-bridges
– util-java
– util-taglib
In addition to this we’ve packaged the Liferay artifacts into a convenient zip file called /liferay-portal-maven-6.1.0-ce-ga1-20120106155615760.zip with ant script to allow you to deploy them into your local repository easily. We will be providing this for EE releases as well since EE artifacts will not be available from Central.
We have also released the Liferay maven plugin and archetypes for all types of Liferay plugins:
– liferay-ext-archetype
– liferay-hook-archetype
– liferay-layouttpl-archetype
– liferay-portlet-archetype
– liferay-servicebuilder-archetype
– liferay-theme-archetype
– liferay-web-archetype
I will post later some instructions on how to use those archetypes. If you’ve used the snapshot version there was one last minute change that requires you to now manually set properties liferay.version and liferay.auto.deploy.dir in your pom.xml.